Government Funds
What is the "Patent Application Grant"?
The Patent Application Grant (the Grant) is a funding
scheme to assist local companies and individuals to apply
for patents of their own inventions. The Grant is
administered by the Innovation and Technology
Commission with Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC)
as the implementation agent.
Who are eligible to apply?
All locally incorporated companies, Hong Kong permanent
residents or Hong Kong residents permitted to remain in
Hong Kong for not less than 7 years who have never
owned any patents in any countries or territories before will
be eligible.
For individual applicant, the applicant must be the sole
inventor or one of the joint inventors of the invention.
For applicant company, the inventor(s) of the invention
shall be a directly related party/parties to the applicant
company, e.g. owner, shareholder, director or staff.
What is the form of funding support?
For an approved application, a grant of not more than
HK$250,000 or 90% of the total cost of the patent
application (including the cost for patent search-cumtechnical
assessment and the administration fee charged
by HKPC which is approximately equal to 20% of the total
cost involved in patent application), whichever is the lower,
will be provided. Funds are only released to the
implementation agent through which the patent application
is processed. The grant is for covering the cost for patent
search-cum-technical assessment and the administration
fee mentioned above, as well as other direct costs involved
in the patent application process. Examples are attorney
fees, consultant fees and filing of patent applications.
Other expenses, including any costs incurred before the
date of approval of the application and the renewal fee of
granted patents, are not fundable. The grant is nontransferrable
and will be valid for 3 years from the date of
approval of the application. The grant may not be
sufficient to cover the patent application expenses, and
individual applicant/applicant company has to bear the
remaining balance.
Note: The above information is from Hong Kong Productivity Council.